Scams Masquerading as Hacks: A Crypto Plague — The ZBexchange Case

Crypto fraudsters have developed a very peculiar brand of scam.
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# A Security Checklist For New Crypto Investors

Date de Publication: September 7, 2022

Status: Published

Tags: Published

Who ?: Wafae Kerchi

### **Remarques**


💡 Always put minimum 4 backlinks in every article


### Title

🔗 **Title 1:**

🔗 **Title 2:**

🔗 **Description of the article (5 sentences):**

🔗 **Short sum-up of the article for linkedin post:**

### **Content**


### Sources

### 3 Type of **Visuals (.png):**

**Rectangle Version**: 1920x1080 pixels, ratio 16:9 ( MEDIUM I LINKEDIN I FACEBOOK )

**Story Version:** 1080×1920 pixels, ratio 9:16 ( INSTAGRAM STORY I PINTEREST )

**Square Version:** 1080×1080 pixels, ratio 1:1 ( INSTAGRAM )